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- 01225755343
Hilperton C of E Primary School
“We soar high on wings like eagles”
Those who hope in The LORD will find new strength,
they will soar high on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31
Our Christian vision is underpinned by this verse; we are filled with the hope and the inner strength to soar high. We help children discover their natural talents and allow their passion to flourish. We support them and guide them as they develop the all round character necessary to become the very best of themselves.
We believe our ‘Wings of Kindness’ can make the world a better place.
We know our children have dreams, and as they set out on the adventure of a lifetime it is up to us to make sure they have the courage and resilience to follow them. When we talk about hope and aspiration we believe our individual happiness is intrinsically linked to the happiness of those around us. We grow our ‘Wings of Kindness’ collectively so we can all fly high together.
Our Vision Statement below, is not just intended for the children but a promise that we all make to each other, children, teachers, parents and family. We're all going on this adventure together and we wouldn't have it any other way.
“Within our school family, we nurture aspiration and resilience. Together, with God’s strength, we move forward with courage and honesty, learn collectively with kindness, and provide hope to flourish. This is how we soar high on wings like eagles.”