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Hilperton C of E Primary School home

Hilperton C of E Primary School

“We soar high on wings like eagles”


Special Educational Needs & Disability


Our Special Educational Needs & Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is: Mrs Jo Clark. 

Mrs Clark can be contacted via or 01225 755343.


We welcome every child to this school who can benefit from the education we provide, consistent with the school’s Admissions Policy. All pupils, staff and visitors are encouraged to respect others; this positive commitment is supported through the school’s Single Equality Scheme, staff training and our PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) curriculum for pupils. We recognise that each individual case is different and there can be a wide spectrum of needs.


Copies of our Special Educational Needs, Gifted and Talented and Single Equality are available from the school office. Please do not hesitate to contact the school with individual enquiries.


Able, Gifted & Talented

When children have a particular ability, staff ensure that sufficiently challenging tasks are set and that they have access to the LA’s programme of courses for Able, Gifted and Talented pupils. Children are given opportunities to attend courses at Braeside which are run to extend and challenge pupils who have a talent or interest in a particular subject.


Wiltshire LA has Local Offer of available services. This link will take you to their web site:


We have developed our own school offer and you can find out more about it by opening the documents below.