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- 01225755343
Hilperton C of E Primary School
“We soar high on wings like eagles”
Wraparound Childcare Provision
Hilperton C of E Primary School offers wraparound childcare clubs (Breakfast Club and Fun Time Club) five days a week throughout term time.
Breakfast Club operates from 7.45am to 8.40am and Fun Time Club from 3pm to 5.30pm (shorter sessions are available).
Sessions can be booked via your Scopay account.
If you wish to pay using Childcare Vouchers to Tax Free Childcare, please speak to the school office who will set this up for you.
About our after school clubs
Extra curricular activities are seen as an important element of school life. We work hard to provide a wide range of activities and try to continually enhance this provision. Some clubs and activities are seasonal and we do try to encourage pupils to engage with different activities. We constantly evaluate our clubs and encourage pupils to state what clubs they would like on offer.
Most of our after school activity clubs can be booked via (others may require booking direct with the after school club provider). Details on how to book will be published on our club timetable.
Instrumental lessons are also available in keyboard, flute, clarinet, piano, guitar, recorder and singing. These are provided privately through music tutors and incur a charge. Please contact the school office for further information.