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- 01225755343
Hilperton C of E Primary School
“We soar high on wings like eagles”
We believe that school uniform is important because;
We ask that all children wear the uniform and we encourage them to maintain a good standard of clean and tidy dress. Please ensure that all items are named. Teachers are provided with a black permanent marker and may name items that do not have a named label in.
Uniform: | ||
| White polo shirt or a royal/cobalt blue polo shirt (same colour as sweatshirt) Grey skirt/trousers/dress/shorts Blue school sweatshirt with logo Blue and white checked summer dress Grey tights Plain white/grey or black socks | |
Shoes | Plain black with a flat heel and no platform Flat sandals are allowed but not ‘jellies’ or ‘crocs’ Plain black boots are allowed during the winter (not patent leather) | |
PE kit
| Navy blue/black shorts Plain Navy/Black Tracksuit bottoms (for outdoor use in winter) Royal blue logo t-shirt or plain blue t-shirt Trainers or daps (trainers for outdoor use) Any suitable design PE kit bag | |
Jewellery | Only small stud earrings and wristwatches are allowed (no Fitbits or equivalents) All jewellery should be removed or taped for PE No rings, bracelets or necklaces are allowed to be worn at school | |
Hair | Hair should be tidy and appropriate. Long hair should be tied back. Extravagant styles and/or dyed hair are not considered appropriate for school | |
Hair accessories | Hair accessories such as slides, ribbons, bobbles etc. should be plain and simple and, if possible, in school colours | |
Make up | Make up and nail varnish are not allowed to be worn at school | |
Hats and Scarves | Hats and scarves are not to be worn inside the school building. In hot weather we recommend that sun-hats are worn outside | |
Swimming kit (Year 3) | Swimming costumes should be a one-piece costume for girls and trunks for boys. Goggles can be used if needed and children will need a named towel. All kit should be placed in a named, waterproof bag. | |
Hot and cold weather | Please ensure that your child is sent to school in clothes appropriate to the weather. |
Extremes of dress or appearance are not acceptable and the Governors reserve the right to decide what constitutes ‘extreme’.
You are able to purchase our school uniform from Trowbridge Schoolwear, 51 Stallard Street, Trowbridge BA14 8HP (01225 753383 or They are sited close to The Shires and The Gateway Shopping Centres.
You can purchase good quality second hand uniform at low prices from school. To browse, purchase and arrange collection, please go to the Uniformd website which can be found by clicking the link below.