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Hilperton C of E Primary School
“We soar high on wings like eagles”
Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
At Hilperton Primary School, we value everyone who stretches that extra mile to make our school special. This, of course, includes our 'Governors' and 'Parents and Friends Association'.
All Governors are unpaid volunteers, elected for four years, and include: parents/carers, staff and non-staff who work within the school, church foundation governors and individuals drawn from the wider community. One Governor is selected by the Local Authority.
An effective Governing Body is typically one which draws on experience from a range of backgrounds including education, commerce and the public sector.
The Governing Body provides non-executive leadership. Its role is to operate at a strategic level with 3 core functions. These are to set the vision and strategic direction of the school; hold the headteacher to account for its educational performance; and to ensure financial resources are well spent. The headteacher and senior leaders are responsible for the day to day running of the school, however, it is the governing body's role to hold the headteacher to account for the overall impact of the management of the school. This is done by offering both challenge and support to the senior leadership team.
The full governing body meets as a whole 4 times per year. Each governor will also contribute to a subcommittee 3 times a year:
Minutes for the Full Governing Body meetings are available by request from the office.
There are currently five different categories of governor at Hilperton CE Primary School:
The type of governor you will become depends on your situation; however all governors have the same roles and responsibilities once part of the governing body.
Parent governors are elected by the parents of pupils for a fixed term of 4 years. Parents are advised in writing when a vacancy for a parent governor arises either if a governor completes their term of office or stands down. Full details of the eligibility criteria and the process for nominations and any election are provided at the time.
Local Authority governors are nominated by local councillors.
Staff governors are members of the school staff who are elected by the staffing body (both teaching and non-teaching).
Foundation governors are only to be found on the governing bodies of voluntary schools and some foundation schools. They are appointed to preserve and develop the religious character of the school, if it has a religious character, and to secure compliance with the trust deed. Normally, foundation governors serve for a four year term of office.
A Co-opted governor is a person appointed by the governing body and who, in the opinion of the governing body, has the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. Co-opted governors may have an area of specialist knowledge or experience or bring a wide range of skills and experience to their role as a governor.
An Associate governor is not a governor, therefore they can't be elected as chair or vice-chair of the governing board. They are not recorded on the instrument of government or in the articles of association. They can attend full governing board meetings, but don't have voting rights. They are appointed to serve on committees to "contribute specifically on issues related to their area of expertise". They can chair these committees and vote, but can't cast deciding votes in the event of a committee vote being evenly split.
If you are interested in joining as a Governor, please contact our Clerk to Governors at or members of our existing Governing Body ( We have put together some information called "Becoming a School Governor" which can be found above.
Name | Type | 27/04/23 | 13/07/23 | 28/09/23 | 25/01/24 |
| Notes | Mtgs Attended | % Attendance | |
Caroline Truss | Foundation | Y | Y | Y | Y | Chair of Governors | 4/4 | 100% | ||
Joy Albone | Ex-Officio | Y | Y | Y | Y | 4/4 | 100% | |||
Simone Smith | Co-opted | N | Y | Y | Y | Safeguarding Governor | 3/4 | 75% | ||
Rosie Amey | Staff | Y | Y | N | Y | Teacher Governor | 3/4 | 75% | ||
Anna Edmund | Staff | Y | Y | Y | Y | Headteacher | 4/4 | 100% | ||
Victoria Pearmain | Parent | Y | Y | Y | Y | 4/4 | 100% | |||
Marcus Reynolds | Co-opted | Y | Y | Y | Y | Health & Safety Governor | 4/4 | 100% | ||
Dean Holden | Co-opted | Y | N | N | Y | 2/4 | 50% | |||
Stephanie Harris | Co-opted | Y | Y | Y | Y | 4/4 | 100% | |||
Jonathan Cairns-Terry | Co-opted | Y | Y | Joined Sept 23 | 2/2 | 100% |