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Hilperton C of E Primary School home

Hilperton C of E Primary School

“We soar high on wings like eagles”

Our School Day

The school day starts at 8.40am and finishes at 3.00pm.  Registration is from 8.40am to 8.50am.


Morning playtime


At 10.30am, children enjoy a breaktime across the school. Our two playgrounds, astroturf, ‘trim trail’, large green field and woodland area mean that there’s plenty of outdoor space for children to enjoy free range play and a good chat with their friends.




Children in Reception have their lunch at 11.50am and their break ends at 1.00pm.  Those in Y1 and Y2 have lunch at 12.00 noon.  Y3 – Y6 children begin their break at 12.10pm.  Lunchtimes for all end at 1.00pm. Our home made school dinners are all cooked on site.


Afternoon playtimes


Younger children have a short afternoon playtime.


Lessons and learning


Our morning lessons are predominantly reading, writing and mathematics. Mathematics is taught in single year groups (rather than class groups) which offers smaller class sizes and ensures all children learn and progress rapidly. Much of our learning in the morning is linked to a class story book that connects with our afternoon’s wider curriculum. This ensures our afternoons are rich and varied with opportunities for our children to excel in science, art, PE, geography, languages, design technology, computing, history, and music.


Collective Worship


We lead collective worship every day with our children near the end of the day. This provides an opportunity to reflect and take time to find peace. Each term has a theme based around one of our values and once a week we have a celebration assembly which celebrates children’s learning, kindness and achievement across the school. We love to share our assemblies with our families and often invite parents to be part of our collective worships and celebration assemblies.


Getting to school


To get to and from school, walking is definitely the best option! There are lots of benefits: it’s healthier than travelling by car, it improves the safety of pedestrians and road-users, and it respects nearby residents and parking regulations. Alternatively, we have bike and scooter racks. If you do need to travel by car, please park carefully.