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Hilperton C of E Primary School

“We soar high on wings like eagles”


Your child's safety and welfare is of paramount importance to us. We have a duty of care to keep all of our pupils safe and adhere strictly to the Keeping Children Safe in Education guidelines.


Safeguarding is a priority for everyone at Hilperton C of E Primary School and it is important that all pupils and concerned adults feel they can ask for help or raise a concern at any time. Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are:


We work in partnership with external agencies and professionals for specialised support when needed.


If you are concerned about the well-being or safety of a child, please do not hesitate to contact either of them in order to discuss your concerns further.  Our safeguarding expectations are led by the guidance provided in the Keeping Children Safe in Education document. All staff have read and signed this agreement and it is prevalent in our safeguarding policies and procedures.


For more information click on the links below;

Please also refer to the following policies relating to the safeguarding and welfare of our pupils: